At the site of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, more than 400 players of Russian fashion retail will meet: federal retail chains of clothes, shoes and accessories, independent (multi-brand) stores, distributors, new international brands, manufacturers, suppliers of equipment and services for the fashion industry.
The main topic of the 2014 forum: how to increase conversion with decreasing traffic?
The Russian clothing and footwear market is developing despite social and economic changes. And the growth of the market, its saturation with strong, strong players with sophisticated logistics and verified business processes makes the participants "pull up" to a new, higher level, look for new solutions and ideas.
As part of the business program of the forum, we will discuss:
· Review of the general economic, social and political situation in Russia and in the world;
· Analytics on the fashion retail market: data on performance indicators of key market players for the last year;
Demand segment forecasts, plans for new brands to enter the market
· Practice of e-commerce;
Procurement and Distributor Relations Planning
Examples of world-class showcases and arrangement of showrooms, the intricacies of commercially viable merchandising
More than 50 presentations by representatives of leading international and Russian networks, manufacturers and distributors, including successful cases of European experts and retailers, are waiting for participants.
The program will include special sessions and working groups created for an open dialogue between all industry participants:
· Working group of distributors and brand owners. Wholesales: keep at any cost!· CLUB OF FASHION RETAIL DIRECTORS: "TOGETHER WE ARE POWER!"
ProFashion Awards-2014
More information about the forum:
Ksenia Kamenskaya, Head of PR and External Relations, BBCG
(495) 785-226,