International PLUS-Forum "Online & Offline Retail 2015": the circle of participants is widening!
On March 30-31, 2015 in Moscow, the magazines Retail & Loyalty and PLUS will hold the International PLUS-Forum Online & Offline Retail 2015, dedicated to the analysis of the prospects for the development of the retail industry in Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries.
Among the speakers who have recently confirmed their participation in the PLUS Forum: Elena Naumchik - Director of the Association of Customer Loyalty and Customer Centricity - CLIK, Ilona Lepp - Director for Business Development in Russia and the CEE countries, Nielsen, Arjen Bonsing (Arjen Bonsing) - multi-channel marketing and retail expert, entrepreneur, Alexey Fedorov - Managing Partner, 220 Volt Group of Companies, Natalya Morzhova - deputy. Head of Consumer Choices Department of GfK RUS, Eugene Ivanov - head of the portal, Razgulyaev Valery - information manager of Izbenka-VkusVill company, Michael Lander Is an international marketing specialist, lecturer and innovator.
During the Forum, such topical issues as new global realities, challenges of the time and answers to them from Russian retail, prospects for the development of private brands (PL) in retail chains will be considered. The event will focus on key trends in the transformation of retail concepts and formats, the development of loyalty programs and communication technologies with consumers, multi- and omnichannel sales, the expansion of marketplaces in online retail, cases using Big Data and modern BI solutions, effective innovations in logistics , cash collection, operation of customer self-service systems, the prospects for NFC payments and other payment technologies in trade, and many others.
Particular emphasis in the Forum’s conference and exhibition program is on the use of mobile applications as a sales channel, the introduction of mPOS solutions in retail, the analysis of the prospects of contactless technologies, the future market for prepaid cards, the current situation in the segments of land and Internet acquiring, the development of electronic money systems, co-branded card products, etc.
The March PLUS-Forum will bring together leading Russian and international experts in the field of online and offline retail, top managers of FMCG and HoReCa-markets, online stores and banks from the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, representatives of aviation and insurance companies, vertically integrated oil companies (VINK), tour operators, companies - vendors of equipment and software solutions, etc.
Among the companies that recently joined the PLUS-Forum: General Sponsor - Canon, Technical Partner - Mediacom, Partner - Ladon-N, CDEK.
The Association of Strategic Outsourcing "ASTRA" and the Association of Customer Loyalty and Customer Centricity - KLIK have joined the Associated Partners of the PLUS-Forum.
Partnership as informational support was also confirmed by SAM magazines, Internet in Figures and Storage News, TERRA-EXPO exhibition portal, Infobez information portals, PCI, RUNET-ID, Advis, RU Retail, Smart Logistic, Retail .ru, ModaNews,,,, Advertising agency "Total View", Information agency Media Times.
The forum will be supported by the Russian Association of Electronic Communications.
More details about the PLUS-Forum topics can be found on the official website of the event. Online registration for participation in the PLUS-Forum "Online & Offline Retail 2015" is also open there.
The Forum organizing committee informs that employees of retail chains, online stores, airlines, tour operators, filling stations and government agencies, participation and a delegate package for registration until March 20, 2015 are provided free of charge. When registering after March 20, 2015, the cost of participation of representatives of these structures will be 2500 rubles. (payment is made on the spot with a credit card).
For employees of banks, companies, non-bank credit organizations (NCOs), etc., upon registration before February 25, 2015, the participation fee is 18 rubles. When registering after February 000, 25, the cost of participation will be 2015 rubles.
Follow our news on the information portal and on the official website of the event, where you can get more detailed information about the March PLUS-Forum "Online & Offline Retail 2015"!