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Fashion E-commerce Course

Fashion E-commerce Course

Event ended

An exciting three-month course, in which students will learn all the components of creating and managing an online store in the fashion industry: website development, warehouse, logistics, marketing, call center and photo production, finance and legal details, omnichannel and innovation at the junction of online and offline. The program also includes an introductory block about the fashion industry.  

Curators: Evgeny Schepelin, CEO of eSolutions (part of the Otto Group), and Alexey Salychev, Managing Partner at Commerzen, former Director of Electronic Commerce InCity, Love Republic.

Teachers: renowned fashion ecommerce practitioners, including Ecommerce directors of major fashion brands

Additionally: excursions to the warehouse, to the courier company and the headquarters of the fashion company, as well as master classes from recognized experts.

Duration: 3 months, classes will be held 3 once a week in the evenings in the HSE building in Maly Gnezdikovsky Lane.

Diploma: Higher School of Economics on professional retraining in the specialty "E-commerce in the fashion industry."

Center for Management and Communication in the Fashion Industry, g.Moscow

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