The professional term "fashion trend" is an effective tool for the commercialization of collections. It makes it possible to avoid mistakes when planning collections, increase their margins and increase sales.
The fashion trend "renews" the previous season. On the one hand, it "refers" to new ideas from the catwalks, but on the other hand, it turns innovation into a selling assortment of mass brands. The benefits of using fashion trends quickly are confirmed by the success of the growing fast fashion segment. But! there is no single formula for “success for all”. Each brand needs its own vision, which is “its own” from a wide range of current trends. Collections only become commercially successful when the company is able to adapt the trend to its own tasks and integrate it into its collections. Author's seminar: Galina Kravchenko
Who the seminar is for:
Procurement specialists, buyers, product managers, category managers, designers, production unit specialists, sales managers, retail store staff.
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