Author's practical seminar for partners of the law firm "Fokin and Partners"
For whom: For beneficiaries and company executives.
Presenters: Lawyers
Do you want to receive the tax protection technology of your company, which allowed our client to recapture 100% additional charges in the amount of (think about) 511.000.000 rubles before the court?
Such sums are dangerous even for commodity companies, and for any others it is guaranteed bankruptcy and criminal cases against managers.
Inspectors began to act much tougher, trickier and more professional.
Before the start of tax audits in 2014, only one month remained.
In order not to be left alone with the problem and have time to prepare your business, come to a practical seminar.
At the seminar you will learn:
· Legal and effective means of protection during inspections;
· Recent changes in legislation and their consequences;
· New trends and dangers in tax audits;
· Important litigation in tax litigation;
· Cunning tricks of inspectors and effective methods of dealing with them;
· Techniques that make your business safe for you.
· This is not a lecture, but practical exercises
· There will be tasks and your work on your business
· No theory, it is assumed that you already know it
· You will receive only the most effective practices
· Briefly and essentially. Just what you need to know as a beneficiary or leader
· You will draw up your plan for preparing and protecting the company from tax audits.
Day 1 (December 11, 2013) Mistakes in tax planning
You will find out why companies come across during inspections. You will be surprised, but 80% of businessmen use outdated methods of tax planning
1. Non-compliance with the criteria for self-control
2. Transactions between related parties
3. Transfer prices and thin capitalization
4. The use of schemes long discovered by tax authorities
5. Bushes of companies and service companies
6. Frontal relationships with "ephemeral"
7. Service Contracts
8. Agreement with the management company
9. Schemes with intermediaries
10. Foreign branches, representative offices, subsidiaries
11. Errors in the use of offshore
12. Answers to questions
Day 2 (12 December)
Tax and police checks in steps
Block 1. Tax audits
On the example of a unique case for 511.000.000 rubles. You will learn how to permanently discourage inspectors from your company.
1. Preparation for verification:
1.1. System events
1.2. Critical moments
1.3. Planned, counter or documentary (subtleties)
2. Passing the audit
· Authority, the first onslaught, checking at the office (how not to let it go), inspection, requesting documents, interrogation, seizure;
· Replacement of the staff of inspectors;
· Extortion and provocation;
· Registration of the results of the audit;
· How to properly challenge violations during verification;
· The procedure for appealing against the results of verification.
3. How to tactically draw up and file objections to the act of verification
4. Administrative appeal
4.1. Complaint to UFNS (what and how to write to achieve a result)
4.2. Monitoring complaint decision
5. Tax litigation
5.1. Material and procedural violations in the lawsuit
5.2. Interim measures
5.2.1. How to prevent collection on collection order before a court decision
5.2.2. How to substantiate, and how to prove it?
5.2.3. Are all bank guarantees suitable?
5.3. What and how to write in a security application
5.4. How to apply judicial practice
5.5. Judicial Enforcement Procedure
Block 2. Police checks
On the example of inspections of the Investigative Department, the tax police, operational checks on laundering.
1. When, how and why do police come?
2. Goals and attitudes: police against business
3. How to interrogate?
4. Why are police pushing you? true goals and meaning, counteraction mechanism
5. Actions upon receipt of the summons (mandatory details, form of communication).
6. When should the inspected and when not appear and testify
7. Actions when requesting documents (rights and response options)
8. Inspection with personal participation of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (inspection, search, seizure): the rights and obligations of the inspected and verifying, types of inspections, actions of the inspected
9. Search Actions
10. Actions during detention
11. Staff and police: how to prepare
12. You should know the tactics and techniques of tax investigation
13. Joint action by the police and the IFTS
14. Dangerous legislative initiatives of security forces
15. Answers to questions and practical tasks
VIP day (December 13th) Safe business.
Only for owners and directors of companies. A conversation without ties.
· Safe building of company groups
· This is a dangerous secure partnership
· Beneficiary and director: mutual risks and guarantees
· How to hire and fire a CEO
· Personal property protection of the beneficiary
· Protection of the family from business, and business from the family
On the first or second day, you can bring along a business partner or a responsible employee.
VIP day - for you personally.
Personal presence.
The amount of space is limited.
Available seats - 20.
Address: Moscow, Leningradskoye Shosse, 37, Building 9. Business Hotel AEROSTAR
First and second day: Beginning 11.00, so that you have time to give morning orders and get there.
Ending at 18.00, coffee and lunch breaks are provided.
VIP day from 10.00 to 15.00 with a coffee break.