In summer, the most comfortable shoes can safely be considered slippers and sandals, sneakers and sneakers go by the wayside. On the streets of cities, more and more you can meet girls and young people in slippers, as in shoes to create an everyday urban look. In turn, the fashion for slippers drew the attention of shoe manufacturers to such material as PVC and innovative materials based on it, allowing you to create summer shoes of higher quality and experiment with the design of models.
The Brazilian company Grendene, founded back in 1979, is one of the world's largest manufacturers of PVC slippers and sandals. Today, her shoes under the brands Zaxy and Cartago are sold in more than 100 countries around the world. The production capacities of the enterprise allow producing over 250 million pairs of shoes per year. In the Russian market, shoes under the brands Zaxy and Cartago are exclusively represented by the company
Each season, under the Zaxy brand, a new, truly impressive collection of women's and girl's shoes is made of PVC, and Cartago produces models for men and boys. More than 2020 new models are part of the Zaxy-Cartago spring-summer 250 collaborative catalog.
A feature of Grendene products is that it is made from a new generation of PVC - monoplastics obtained as a result of recycling and easily recyclable. Thanks to this, Grendene, in fact, solved the main problem of plastic shoes, making it comfortable, breathable, hypoallergenic and non-toxic. The production process itself cannot be called toxic: 99% of waste, including water, dyes and plastic itself, is also recycled.
Grendene use all available scientific potential to make their products even more convenient and functional. In 2019, the company introduced the new Soften technology for the first time, thanks to which the sole of the shoe became 25% more elastic than in the production of solid plastic due to the use of a double composite PVC + EVA in the inner layer of the sole. Such a filling, while increasing the flexibility of the sole, provided greater lightness and softness of the model as a whole.
Visit a company booth at a shoe exhibition Euro Shoes
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