Perfectionism and procrastination as constraints, data systematization and multitaleatherg as essential components of success - the author follows the beaten path and does not give out new knowledge. But he skillfully systematizes those that we all have. Thus, after passing the small test placed at the beginning of the book, you will determine your weakest points and will be able to organize your life in such a way as to achieve maximum efficiency from any process - from cleaning the desktop to going to the doctor. The book contains many ideas, cases from the author's real life, which makes reading fun and not burdensome.
What are the specifics: Believe it or not, the author of the book is a certified personal organizer: Certified Professional Organizer! In the United States, since 1983, the National Association of Professional Organizers has been operating - people who are ready to streamline and systematize the life of anyone who wants to, who cannot cope with it on their own!
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