When and what shoes do Russians buy Photo: iStock
28.12.2013 16532

When and what shoes do Russians buy

We analyzed the data of the research “Russian Index of Target Groups”, conducted annually by Synovate Comcon, and found out how the consumption of various categories of shoes has changed over the course of eight years and what types of shoes Russian buyers most often buy today.


Synovate Comcon - one of the first research companies in Russia, has been operating in the market for marketing research in our country for about 20 years. Spends more than a thousand projects a year in two hundred cities of Russia.

Russian target groups index - A regular study of the consumption of goods and services, lifestyle and media preferences, conducted by Synovate Comcon on a quarterly basis in major cities of Russia. Its statistics are reliable for Russia as a whole, as well as for Moscow, St. Petersburg, 10 of the main macroregions of Russia, 7 of federal districts and individual large cities. The sample represents the adult (from 16 years) and children (10-15 years) of Russia in cities with a population of 100 thousand people. The data obtained are representative of 62,4 million people or 24 million households in Russia. Each quarter, about 7000 people, or 28 000 people (14 800 households) per year are surveyed, so that the sampling error does not exceed ± 0,6%. In each city, the distribution of the sample is proportional to the population in the administrative districts.


In the research section “Russian Index of Target Groups” on shoe purchases, respondents answered, among other things, the question “Which of the following types of shoes did you personally buy for yourself or for someone else in the last 6 months?”. We analyzed the answers to this particular question in order to understand how the consumption of various categories of women's and men's shoes changed from 2005 of the year and throughout the four quarters of each year. In the study, respondents had a choice of seven answer options - four for women's shoes and three for men's. These were the options: “women's winter boots, boots”, “women's demi-season boots, boots”, “women's shoes”, “sandals, sandals” as well as “men's winter boots”, “men's boots, shoes”, “men's sandals ". Having carefully compared the numbers in the tables, we highlighted several interesting features.

picture.JPGThe most active year in terms of consumption was 2008. It was this year that the number of buyers who purchased women's and men's shoes became the largest for the period from 2005 to 2012 year. 36,4% of respondents said that over the past six months they bought women's shoes, and 26% - men's shoes. For comparison, we can cite the same indicators for the 2012 year - 33,2% of buyers of women's shoes and 23,6% of buyers of men's shoes. It seems that in the 2008 year, the Russians still did not feel the crisis on themselves, and this happened to them later: in the 2009 year, the number of buyers of women’s shoes almost fell to a minimum (to 32,4%: it was less only in the 2005 year), and in 2010 - the number of buyers of men's shoes (up to 21,9%).

The period from July to December is traditionally distinguished by the highest sales.. Looking at the statistics from 2010 of the year, it becomes obvious that every year respondents most often admit to recent shoe purchases in the third and fourth quarter of the year, with peak sales in the third quarter. In particular, according to the statistics of 2010, it is noticeable that the number of respondents who bought women's sandals and sandals over the past six months is 4 in the III quarter (July-September) more than in the II quarter (April-June), and the number of women’s winter buyers and demi-season boots in the IV quarter (October-December) of the year are 2,5 times higher than in previous months. Such buying behavior seems logical, especially against the background of the II quarter, which is always characterized by the most noticeable surge in sales: during the period from April to June, the number of not only women’s shoes and sandals doubles (compared to January-March), but also the number of buyers of demi-season boots and boots.

The situation is the same with men's shoes: the period from July to September of each year is distinguished by the highest activity of Russians in terms of shoe purchases. Men's shoes and boots are the most popular category during this period, and men's sandals are the category showing the highest sales growth. For example, in the third quarter of 2011, 9,6% of 23,8% of respondents reported that they bought these shoes in the last 6 months, while in the second quarter the same indicator amounted to only 1,6% of 20% of respondents.

Women's demi-season shoes are bought less often. The number of customers reporting the purchase of shoes in the "women's demi-season boots and boots" category is low in all years. In particular, in 2012, it did not exceed 28% of all who bought women's shoes. Moreover, the greatest demand for all the years from 2005 to 2012 was used by women’s demi-season boots and boots in the 2008 and 2009 year, and the smallest - in the 2005 year. It is believed that over the years, buyers have become less likely to buy shoes for the off-season. Statistics show that this is not so: in the second quarter of 2013, the number of buyers of demi-season women's boots and boots was almost the same as in the peak 2010 year.

Sandals and sandals are one of the most popular categories of women's shoes. At the annual sales peaks, namely from July to September, almost the maximum number of respondents - 68% - is recognized in the purchase of sandals and sandals. More often there are only buyers of women's winter boots purchasing these shoes from January to March (70% of respondents). It is also interesting to see how the demand for sandals and sandals changes throughout the year. In the period from January to March, in general, no more than 14% of all women’s shoes buy these shoes, from April to June - 21%, from July to September - an average of 68% of buyers, and from October to December - 34% of those acquired women's shoes over the past six months.

The proportion of those who buy women's winter shoes in summer is about 14%. The percentage of customers purchasing shoes in the category of “women's winter boots, boots” in the third quarter (July – September) of each year is approximately the same. For example, in the “full” 2010 year, the number of respondents who at that time admitted to buying winter boots and boots amounted to 5,5% of 36,1% of all buyers of women's shoes. The smallest share of buyers of this shoe was in 2012, when 4,9% of 34,5% of the respondents purchased it, that is, a total of 14% of buyers of women's shoes during that summer.

17% of buyers prefer men's sandals. The hottest period of sales in this category are the months from July to September, when 45% of admirers of men's sandals purchase these shoes. In the remaining months, their number ranges from 10 to 15%. At the same time, sandals remain relevant for 6% of citizens even in the winter months from January to March.

Men's winter boots were especially in demand in 2009 and 2012 year

If you look at the level of consumption of men's shoes for 5 years (from 2008 to 2012), it can be seen that in 2009 and 2012 the number of buyers who purchased men's winter boots is the largest. They were purchased by 44% of all consumers of men's shoes, while even in the peak 2008 year this figure did not exceed 40%.

We analyzed the data of the research “Russian Index of Target Groups”, conducted annually by Synovate Comcon, and found out how the consumption of various categories of shoes changed by ...
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