A revolutionary shoe labeling solution
02.07.2019 10775

A revolutionary shoe labeling solution

Russian software developer Cleverns presents a new Mobile SMARTS: Kirovka solution. The program was created specifically for the mandatory labeling of shoe products, which starts on July 1 2019 of the year.

For shoe business owners, the labeling project is seen as a challenge. According to the Levada Center study, most businesses do not understand how and what to do, where to start and where to look for working solutions to work according to the new rules. And as practice has shown, this task is not an easy one, because there really were no solutions, but only until today. We meet, ask to love and favor ...

Mobile SMARTS: Kirovka is a unique software solution for the mobile automation of most of the shoe labeling processes. With Kirovka, marking, instead of several weeks, will take only a few hours, and at the same time, you can carry out the entire process yourself, without resorting to outside organizations.

Sergey Bazhenov. CEO Clever Sergey Bazhenov. CEO Clever

“When creating the product, we took into account the experience of all our previous developments for product labeling projects. Much has already been tested and tested on fur coats, on the EGAIS system that monitors alcohol production, on a recent tobacco solution. Therefore, "Kirovka" like no other program is ready to work right out of the box. Mark on health, without unnecessary bunts. ”

The program is fully integrated with the “Honest Sign” account, which means that it complies with both international GS1 standards and domestic standards from “CRPT”.

Kirovka makes the marking process completely mobile. You can perform all the steps: from ordering marking codes to putting them into circulation, right at the places of production or storage of shoe products.

In order to start working immediately after purchasing the program, it provides ready-made scripts, starting from the description of the goods and label stickers and ending with the introduction of marking codes into circulation.

The solution will be useful for companies of all sizes: from a shoe store on the market to a network mass market with production in China.

Work options

  • “Glue codes” - a simple operation for marking shoes allows you to apply labels in accordance with regulatory requirements, including the marking code on it.
  • “Accounting from scratch” allows you to automate operations describing the goods, obtaining marking codes and applying marking codes on the goods.
  • Did not go unnoticed and “Foreign warehouse”, because now the goods at customs will not force themselves to grow in price and bear the costs of its logistics.
  • Well, if "Full cycle" Mobile automation requires too much attention, something in Cleverns is also provided. All features of the Mobile SMARTS platform are available.

Attention! From July 1 to July 2019, mandatory marking of shoes will be carried out from production to the place of its actual sale: when importing, before placing goods under the customs procedure of release, when importing from the customs territory of the EEC before crossing the border of the Russian Federation, when re-marking and when returning goods to circulation .

To date, more than 69 million marking codes have already been issued, and they simply cannot be counted manually in warehouses and stores.

Need a label? The answer is Kirovka!

You can familiarize yourself with the decision on marking shoes on the page https://clck.ru/GrLjF

July action plan (webinars, seminars) https://clck.ru/GrLiy

Clovers is an expert in the development of solutions for accounting for branded goods. The company creates convenient and efficient barcode and radio frequency tag accounting programs for retail and wholesale, manufacturing organizations, oil companies, as well as the public sector. The company has been developing in the Auto-ID market for over 15 years.

The largest market player in the development of software for projects on the accounting of tobacco products, alcohol, fur products and shoes. The company's products are included in the list of tested Honest Sign solutions.

Company website: https://cleverence.ru

Sales Phone: + 7 (495) 662-98-03

Sales Department Email: sales@cleverence.ru

The Russian software developer Kleverens presents a new solution, Mobile SMARTS: Kirovka. The program was created specifically for the mandatory labeling of shoe products, which ...
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