04.12.2013 9913
The art of being a good leader
Stanford University professor Robert Sutton is sure that it is impossible to become a good leader, you can only be one, taking the right steps every day and constantly working on oneself. In the original, the title of the book sounds something like “Good boss, bad boss. How to be the best and learn from the worst ”, and it contains a lot of advice on how not to be a tyrant, but to be a person who is respected and whose decisions are not in doubt.
At the same time, the book does not contain platitudes like “Time management is very important”, but such recommendations as “Do not wag, say yes or no”, “Do what you need, and not what everyone does”, “Take blame for the mistakes. " These simple truths are familiar to many, but not everyone embeds them in their leadership style, and in vain.
What are the specifics: Like many works written by Americans, the book is easy to read, like an art story. In addition, each recommendation is so clear and precise that it will even begin to seem to you that you always knew it.