43% of Britons shop online while intoxicated. This is evidenced by the results of a Kelkoo poll conducted by The Daily Telegraph.
A quarter of the respondents admitted that they started shopping online only because they took alcohol, and a fifth of “drunk shoppers” cannot remember the next day what exactly they ordered in the online store.
Researchers note that most often when intoxicated, people buy clothes and shoes, as well as video games, films and books. One of the respondents admitted that he bought a drunk boat.
According to Kelkoo, most often “drunken purchases” are made from 23 until one in the morning. As The New York Times points out in an article on this phenomenon, eBay’s peak purchases are from 18: 30 to 22: 30 local time. The representative of the online store confirmed to the publication that there is a merit of “drunken purchases”.
According to ChannelAdvisor, which provides hundreds of resources for online trading, purchases peak at 20 hours, while the proportion of later purchases made from 21 hours to midnight is growing.
The publication cites the words of a psychiatrist, according to whom online shopping while intoxicated can be ruinous. Unlike “real” purchases, a drunk Internet user may not feel that he has bought too much and needs to stop.
The problem of “drunken purchases” exists not only on the net. So, in July 2011, a New York pet store located near the bars banned the sale of puppies to drunk visitors. According to the owners of the store, such people make purchases thoughtlessly. About it writes retailer.ru
43% of Britons shop online while drunk. This is evidenced by the results of a Kelkoo survey, which leads The Daily ...