What is an Online Fashion Job Fair?
By analogy with traditional employment yards, OFJF is a platform where job seekers employers have the opportunity to communicate directly. Activities of this kind are valuable because they allow you to slightly reduce the formal tone that is characteristic of the job search process. Jobseekers will be able to get answers to their questions, as well as "ask the price" of a particular company, try to present themselves on the staff of a particular employer. Participating companies at the same time can expand the database of candidates, find the necessary employees and maintain their brand image. An online job fair allows you to do all the same without leaving your home or office.
For employers wishing to participate in the exhibition: write us a letter at info@job-in-fashion.ru or call +7 (495) 796 27 85. Participation is free for you
For visitors
(those who are looking for work) are invited to register on the site www.ofjf.ru . Registration is in progress, admission to the exhibition is free.
See you at the exhibition!
By analogy with traditional employment yards, OFJF is a platform where employers have an opportunity to communicate with their jobseekers ...