On problem loans Carlo Pazolini (about $ 80 million in 2014), the owner of the shoe company personally vouched in accordance with English law. However, according to the accusing party, Reznik did not fully disclose information about his assets in court. Lenders worry that Reznik’s “personal assets” may not be enough to secure all obligations.
In the spring of 2016, Alfa Bank filed a lawsuit with the Moscow Arbitration Court about bankruptcy of Anta Firm CJSC, the main borrower for all retailer obligations. Alfa-Bank is simultaneously trying to recover from three structures - Carlo Pazolini Trade Ltd., Carlo Pazolini Partisipasion and Carlo Pazolini (Switzerland) SA - debts on two credit lines opened in 2012 for $ 11 million and 8,4 million euros . In May, Sberbank entered the bankruptcy case, and in July a suit of 1,49 billion rubles. filed "Unicredit Bank."
The database of the Federal Bailiff Service contains information on four enforcement proceedings against Reznik. But all of them were discontinued in accordance with the wording of the law: “The debtor has no property that can be levied, and all measures taken by the bailiff that were allowed by the law to find his property were unsuccessful.”
The Carlo Pazolini chain unites more than 130 stores in Russia, as well as stores in Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic, Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and China. The revenue of Carlo Pazolini in Russia in 2015 amounted to 7,3 billion rubles.
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