Amazon and Twitter decided to make life easier for their users by linking together their accounts on the retailer's website and on the microblogging service so that purchases can be made using a single hashtag.
The essence of the project boils down to the fact that Amazon will now post various product offers on its Twitter feed, marking them with the #AmazonCart hashtag. Anyone who sees this message will be able to instantly postpone the displayed product to the shopping cart on the online store's website by simply responding to this tweet by placing a link to the product and the same hashtag in their message. Thus, users no longer have to immediately go from one site to another, so as not to lose the product they like. You will be able to purchase items pending via Twitter at any time.
The AmazonCart project should help the store to increase sales, which becomes a priori the only retailer for such transactions. For Twitter, this deal may become a way to somehow monetize its business, which investors have been demanding from the company's management for so long.
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