This year alone, Uralsib Bank issued loans to retail companies in the amount of over RUB 10 billion. Most of the borrowers are large federal networks. According to the executive director of the corporate business of Uralsib bank Alexander Afonin, from the beginning of the year to October the increase in the volume of the retail loan portfolio amounted to 45%. At present, the locomotives of the loan portfolio growth are food retail trade, clothing and footwear, he said.
This year, Russian banks financed retail chains in the amount of about 600 billion rubles, analysts at Uralsib Bank cite such data. The dynamics of the volume of retail lending has already exceeded the dynamics of the corporate lending market for several years, in 2011 the difference between these types of loans was 9%, in the current one - 5%.
“Lending to retailers is really developing at a faster pace. This is partly happening, perhaps because the growth rates of lending to other corporate clients are declining, agrees the deputy chairman of SDM Bank Vyacheslav Andryushkin. - There are not so many good corporate clients - in terms of lending opportunities. Therefore, there is a tough competition for such clients between banks ”.
According to V. Andryushkin, retail trade networks are the most attractive clients for banks, because in addition to regular loans, they can also be offered other banking services, such as cash collection or acquiring.
“The demand for loans from trading companies is quite stable. People will always want to eat and dress, - says Kirill Zhukov-Yemelyanov, member of the board of UniCredit Bank. “Now almost all Russian banks, to one degree or another, practice lending to retail chains.”
Experts advise retailers in those banks with industry expertise to raise funds for investment projects and working capital. In such banks, the needs of customers are more understandable, which may affect credit conditions, writes RBC daily.
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