The turnover of counterfeit sneakers in Russia has reached 77 billion rubles, writes Kommersant, citing research by the Brandmonitor agency, which specializes in protecting intellectual property and fighting counterfeiting. Thus, every third pair of sneakers sold in Russia is a fake.
According to the results of a Brandmonitor study, about 43% of fake buyers purchased these shoes unknowingly. However, 25% did this on purpose. Counterfeits for popular models of large brands are purchased mainly by young people who do not have the means to purchase original goods.
The sneaker market in Russia in financial terms reaches 234 billion rubles, of this amount, almost 33% (about 77 billion rubles) falls on illegal goods. The bulk of counterfeit goods - 70%, or 54 billion rubles - is sold in shopping centers and clothing markets, the rest is via the Internet. The average cost of fake sneakers is 2-2,9 thousand rubles, while the average price for original products is 4-5 thousand rubles. depending on site and city, the study says.
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