The general director of the company “Factory shoe packaging” Alexei Popov said that this year the volume of production of the company can grow almost three times. This is due to increased orders for the manufacture of packaging from Russian shoe manufacturers.
“We are already opening the second production line in Taldom, which is a kind of shoe manufacturing center,” says Alexey Popov. - In the past year, we have seen a real boom in orders for the manufacture of shoe boxes from Russian companies. This indicates that the development of Russian footwear production has gone uphill. ” As the businessman notes, usually packing is ordered in the same place where the main product is manufactured, since it is unprofitable to carry the package, and from the moment the company was founded, its company does not remember such an active demand for packaging products. This trend is explained by the fact that due to the changing economic situation and the rise in the cost of footwear production in China and other foreign factories, Russian shoe makers began to return production inside the country.
Currently, the “Shoe Packaging Factory” produces about 3 million boxes, during the year the company plans to increase its packaging production to 8 million boxes, and investments will be required in re-equipment. According to expert estimates, the average annual volume of the Russian shoe packaging market is about 450 million boxes.
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