EKONIKA revealed the details of the brand update. The start was the launch of a neweklamnой campaignи season autumn winter 2023/24, whose face was chosen global fashion influencer Lena Perminova. As part of the project, the brand introduced a new logo and symbol, at the end of August will open in the Moscow shopping center «Afimall» its flagship store in a new concept and with an increased sales area of up to 280 sq.m.
The brand symbol has become more concise and associated with the name, the logo is now written in Latin letters. Sky blue corporate color symbolizes the stormy water element. As part of the rebranding, the corporate identity and visual communications are also changing.
The heroine of the new advertising campaign EKONIKA - Lena Perminova is the embodiment of the image of a true woman who changes and at the same time remains herself. Fashionable, free, multifaceted - a mother of many children, a successful top model and businesswoman.
At the end of August 2023 in the Moscow shopping center "Afimall" a flagship store will be opened in a new concept and with an increased sales area of up to 280 sq.m. New services for clients will be introduced here, which since April the brand team has been testing at the pop-up space in St. Petersburg and selected the best and most popular ones.
For example, a separate role was added to the store team - warehouse pickers, in order to quickly collect goods for fitting for the client and transfer them to the hall, and consultants had more time to communicate with visitors. In the store, it will be possible to pre-book a fitting room to choose a complete look, and sign up for a consultation with a professional stylist. In the future, these services will also be implemented throughout the network.
The updated brand platform, slogan, logo and symbol were developed by teams from Signal research and strategic consulting agencies and the ONY design team. “Keeping the identity and DNA of a brand with a 30-year history, the agencies managed to bring fresh meanings and visual images to the brand that will help the brand solve the tasks of transforming and attracting a new audience,” the company commented.
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