The head of Ralf Ringer, Andrey Berezhnoy, was accused of failing to pay 588 million rubles in taxes in the period from 2015 to 2017. Along with the head of Ralf Ringer, the charges also affected the head of Promsnabpostavka LLC.
The investigation believes that one defendant, with the assistance of the other, submitted deliberately false information about his counterparties to the tax office, thereby concealing the non-payment of VAT. The criminal case was sent to the Ostankino District Court of Moscow.
On November 7, the Moscow prosecutor's office announced that it had approved the indictment in the criminal case against the general directors of Ralf Ringer and Promsnabpostavka LLC.
Ralf Ringer stated that the criminal prosecution of Andrei Berezhnoy is unlawful. "Transferring the case to court is an unlawful procedure that has no judicial prospects. The prosecutor's office sent the case to the Ostankino District Court of Moscow, grossly violating the law (clause 2.2 of Article 27 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation), which requires termination of the criminal prosecution of Andrei Aleksandrovich Berezhnoy due to non-involvement in the criminal case. We are convinced that the case materials will be returned by the court with a demand to restore legality and fully rehabilitate Andrei Aleksandrovich Berezhnoy, and the actions of the prosecutor's office will be given an appropriate legal assessment," the company's website says.
Ralf Ringer Company is engaged in litigation with the tax authorities over the last three years, the company has been accused of various charges of non-payment of insurance premiums, taxes, fines and penalties amounting to hundreds of millions of rubles. Ralf Ringer has so far successfully contested these charges in arbitration.
Ralf Ringer (formerly the Belka trading house) — Russian manufacturer of women's, men's and children's footwear. The brand's portfolio includes its own brands Ralf Ringer, Piranha and Riveri. The company's production facilities are located in Moscow, Zaraysk and Vladimir. The network has more than 1500 stores, including franchises. The company employs more than 2 thousand people.
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