The authorized capital of Obuv Rossii LLC and Design Studio LLC of the Obuv Rossii group of companies was increased by 5,4 billion rubles by the addition of additional cash deposits to PJSC OR, Interfax writes with reference to the PJSC report.
PJSC OR contributed to the authorized capital of OOO Obuv Rossii 1,5 billion rubles, to the authorized capital of LLC Design Studio - 3 895 440 000 rubles.
Earlier, the authorized capital of OOO Obuv Rossii amounted to 8 million rubles, LLC Design Studio - 10 thousand rubles.
As a result of the transaction, which took place on December 6, PJSC gained control over Design Studio LLC, in which PAO's stake amounted to 99,9997%. The remaining share belongs to Obuv Rossii LLC.
In Obuv Rossii LLC, the sole participant was and remains PJSC OR.
On October 20, OJSC “OR” held an IPO on the Moscow Exchange on October 2017. The placement price amounted to 140 rubles per paper. As a result of the placement, the retailer raised about 5,9 billion rubles, and if the option for additional floatation is fully implemented, the deal will amount to 6,2 billion rubles (the funds will be received by the main owner of the group Anton Titov).
As a result of the proposal, the share of the company's free float amounted to 37,5% of the increased authorized capital without exercising the option for additional floatation and may grow to 39,4% if it is exercised.
The Obuv Rossii funds will be used to raise funds raised during the sale of new shares in expanding the retail network, developing distribution and supply channels, partially repaying debt, and also for other corporate goals.
Obuv Rossii GK was founded in Novosibirsk in the 2003 year. PJSC CEO A. Titov owns 42,7% of the shares of PJSC Karyo Holdings (British Virgin Islands, manages the fund of Mikhail Prokhorov, who became one of the shareholders of PJSC OR in February 2017 after the repurchase of part of the shares from A. Titov) - 15,6%, the Prosperity fund - 5,78%.
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