The US Customs seized the largest batch of fake Christian Louboutin shoes. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of counterfeit goods amounts to more than $ 18 million. More than 20 000 pairs of counterfeit Christian Louboutin shoes were seized at the port of Los Angeles. According to police, the shoes were intended for online sale in one large online store, the name of which has not been disclosed.
All counterfeit goods arrived in the USA from China; a huge batch was divided into five separate deliveries. Four of them were discovered on Tuesday, the final seized at the end of last month. Jaime Ruiz, a spokeswoman for the US Customs Service, said that 20 457 pairs of shoes were seized in total, each with a distinctive red sole.
The US Customs Service also noted that this batch was of the highest quality, and therefore it was extremely difficult to distinguish them from the original Christian Louboutin shoes. Nevertheless, the entire batch of fake shoes will be destroyed, writes
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