In the assortment of injection shoes for boys of the Kotofey brand, a technological defect in the elongation of the half-insole was discovered. According to the manufacturer, the cause of the defect was the replacement of foam rubber in the semi-insole with a new special material, which turned out to be unsuitable for this structural element of the shoe due to its higher density.
A new insole made of porous absorbent material has appeared in order to improve the microclimate inside the shoe and make it more comfortable. The inconvenience of the updated insoles was revealed with the start of sales of the new school shoe collection ТМ "Kotofey" in retail. Shop owners began to talk about complaints from Mile customers, and the distributor, in turn, immediately turned to the factory with a request to replace new insoles. The manufacturer "Yegoryevsk-Obuv" reacted immediately, recalled the defective products and timely eliminated the defect.
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