At the beginning of 2015, Russian society was more optimistic than during the global financial crisis of 2008, according to researchers at BrandScience. According to them, only 35% of Russians are concerned about the crisis. At the end of 2008, this figure was twice as high. 8% generally believe that there is no crisis in the country. Experts attribute this to the fact that the population has the recent crisis experience, as well as to the rise of patriotic moods.
The situation in the country worsens faster than the personal financial condition of respondents: 80% observe negative trends in the Russian economy, and only 56% observe a deterioration in material conditions in the family. Less than 10% of respondents said at the beginning of the year that the situation had improved significantly or slightly.
Slightly less than half of Russians believe that they will not be affected by the delay in wages (44%) and the reduction in additional incentives from the employer (43%). At the same time, a quarter of those participating in the survey said that they had already faced the lack of familiar goods in stores, and 26% - with a decrease or cancellation of bonuses and 20% - with a reduction in salaries.
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