In the chart “Purchased in the last year as a percentage”, the preferences of Yekaterinburg residents were distributed as follows: “Kotofey” - 40%, “Unicel” - 18%, “Zebra” - 10%, “Antelope” - 10%, “Ecco "- 17%," Orthopedics "- 16% and others.
“Almost half of the respondents prefer Kotofey. The gap from the rest of the leaders is quite solid, - summed up the manager of Mila - Shoes Wholesale Alexander Borodin. - Some of the listed brands are represented in Mila's assortment, which means that on the shelves of its partners, including the virtual shopping center "Centipede". These brands are really very successful in terms of price, quality, breadth and complexity of the range. In addition, their strong position in our region is the result of effective promotion from both the manufacturer and the distributor. "
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