The draft resolution on the marking of shoes was approved on Wednesday, December 13 at a meeting of the State Commission on Combating Illicit Traffic in Industrial Products, RBC writes.
According to the project, an experiment on marking shoes in Russia will start on 1 on June 2018, and participation in it will be voluntary for companies. What type of labeling will be used and who will be the manufacturer of the label for the product is still unknown.
In order to control the turnover of products in the Russian Federation, in August 2016, Russia for the first time began an experiment marking fur coats and other fur products with RFID tags. As a result of marking, a large number of companies engaged in the sale of fur products legalized their business, and the state received more accurate statistics on the turnover of fur products in Russia - “At the start of the project, according to preliminary estimates, the number of participants in the system according to declarations of industry associations was 2,5 thousand participants, and in fact there were more than 8 thousand of fur coat sellers. ”
In addition, it turned out that in Russia not 20% of the fur coats sold in the country are produced, as previously thought, but more than half.
They decided to extend the experiment to other products, including medicines, clothes, shoes, children's toys and other goods. Until 2024, Russia can create a system of complete control over the circulation of goods, follows from the instructions of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
Before February 10, 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Customs Service and the Federal Security Service should develop and submit draft concepts for creating a system for marking goods with control marks in Russia.
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