According to the results of the 1 half-year, the share of low-speed shoes in retail sales exceeded 70%. Shoes with a low stroke include half-style models (sneakers, half-sneakers, sneakers, etc.), casual (loafers, slip-ons, espadrilles, etc.), as well as classics (ballet shoes, oxfords, etc.).
“We have seen an increase in the popularity of comfortable shoes without heels for several consecutive seasons. This is a global trend, which is also reflected in the Russian market. - comments Elena Hvorova, head of the procurement and sales department of the Obuv Rossii group of companies. - Sales are growing in all categories of shoes on a low run. If we compare the 1 half-year of 2017 and 2018, the share of such shoes in retail sales in pairs increased from 65 to 71%. ”
In Shoe Russia stores, low-running shoes are in the collections of all major brands - Westfalika, Pedestrian, Rossita, Emilia Estra and Lisette. The company also develops a separate brand all.go in the shop-in-shop format - these are half-sport and casual shoes (sneakers, sneakers, etc.).
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