Luxury goods maker Chanel plans to open a shoe corner at the Leningrad House of Commerce (DLT) department store, a source close to the company told Vedomosti. According to him, the opening dates have not yet been determined. There is an agreement to launch Chanel Corner in DLT, a department store spokesman confirmed.
Mercury was the exclusive distributor of Chanel in Russia from 1999 to 2006. Since 2006, Chanel has been developing the chain independently. In Russia, the company has one jewelry and one full-size store in Moscow and Yekaterinburg, as well as a shoe corner in the Moscow Central Department Store, the website says. Chanel's retail turnover in Russia in these points is about $ 15,1 million per year, in 2012 it grew by 7,8% compared to last year, estimates Esper Group Managing Director Daria Yadernaya. According to Esper, the turnover of the luxury and premium class clothing, footwear and accessories market is 5,5 billion euros, of which 16% is in St. Petersburg. The purchasing power in St. Petersburg is low, the city brings luxury sellers about 10-15% of the turnover, like Yekaterinburg, estimates Dmitry Fedosov, managing partner of the Ralph agency (representing Max Mara Group in Russia). Based on materials from the Vedomosti newspaper.Rating |