Street riots deprived customers of shops located in Moscow on Manezhnaya Square and Kievsky Railway Station Square. Shopping centers "Okhotny Ryad" and "Evropeyskiy", which in the last two to three weeks of December make about 25% of annual revenue, are forced to close at 16-18 pm. This is reported by the site As the Sela store, located in Evropeyskiy, said, towards the end of the day, a loudspeaker announced the impending evacuation of visitors and staff, and after that, representatives of the administration of the shopping center called all the stores of the complex in addition. But since it became known about the upcoming promotion in advance, there were not many buyers in the shopping center. The Pull & Bear store reported that revenue for the daytime did not exceed 10 thousand rubles, although on ordinary days by six in the evening it is three times more. The manager of the Okhotny Ryad shopping center, Andrei Sukhov, said that on Saturday there were even more buyers inside the complex, as many were waiting out the riots there. On Monday, according to the manager, the center was closed from 16 pm to 22 pm. Retailers working in Okhotny Ryad experienced a drop in sales. If the unrest drags on, stores in the center of Moscow could suffer serious losses. According to Aleksey Mogila, director of the retail real estate department at Penny Lane Realty, the hourly revenue of all European operators is 3,94 million rubles, and in Okhotny Ryad - 1,37 million rubles. taking into account the December surcharge. Thus, the total losses could have already amounted to about 32 million rubles. "If the authorities and the media do not sow panic and escalate the situation, then business will get off with small losses," said Andrei Sukhov. "Otherwise, the losses may be substantial." In any case, the administration of shopping centers has already strengthened security and the centers have switched to full-fledged operation.
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