Most often, consumers are deceived by the online purchase of mobile phones, clothes and shoes, car tires. This conclusion was reached by experts of the online service "", having studied almost 2,5 thousands of questions of citizens to lawyers about Internet fraud.
The most frequent frauds in the sale of clothes and shoes occur on social networks. Approximately 27% of respondents complained that, having paid for the purchase of clothes and shoes, they did not receive it. A scam on the sale of goods (63%), when the seller immediately disappears when receiving money, the leader. In second place are the cheating contests, whose victims were 12%.
The head of the online portal, Valery Meshkov, says that people pay for services or goods before they are received, mainly because of the low price, not paying attention to the fact that it is proposed to pay for a purchase from an online wallet, and not through bank accounts.
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