Professional cosmetics for shoes SAPHIR presents a line of products for leather restoration. To eliminate deep scratches, scuffs, knocked-out toes of shoes, experts recommend the use of Renovatrice restoring cream.
When applied to the damaged area, Renovatrice forms a strong elastic layer, restoring the smooth surface of the leather and renewing its color. Juvacuir Color Cream will help to remove velvety in worn-out areas or completely renew a product made of smooth leather. Thanks to its unique composition, Juvacuir effectively repairs minor damage and abrasions, and its more fluid structure allows you to process the entire product as a whole. These products quickly gained popularity, transforming the damaged surface, for which they received the name "liquid leather".
Creams are presented in a wide range of colors that are easily mixed, allowing you to get the right shade. Save winter shoes will help protect against drying out during storage. For products made of smooth leather, your customers will be able to use a series of balms, according to the type of leather. They gently cleanse the leather of dust and previous cream, impregnate special oils, and natural beeswax will restore elasticity. Suede and nubuck will professionally clean Omnidaim, refreshing the color and removing even heavy dirt.
Special Daim Nubuck suede special spray nourishes and protects the velvety surface, gives a lasting color, and the natural almond oil that is part of it moisturizes and preserves the upper hairy structure of the leather.
Professional cosmetics for shoes SAPHIR presents a line of products for leather restoration. To eliminate deep scratches, scuffs, downed toes of shoes, experts recommend using ...