According to Jones Lang LaSalle experts, this year the global volume of online commerce may exceed 1,2 trillion dollars.
The development of the online sales market puts pressure on retailers who seek to optimize their logistics infrastructure as much as possible so that customers can get their goods in the right place and on time. Today, the share of online sales in the global retail market is about 4% and continues to grow rapidly. In the period from 2007 to 2012, the volume of trade through the Internet grew throughout the world at a rate of 14,8% per year. Moreover, the global volume of retail for the same period increased over the same period by only 0,9%.
According to forecasts, by 2017 year, the leaders in terms of growth in e-commerce in the B2C segment will be Indonesia, China, India and Mexico. Russia is in the top 10, ranking seventh in the list (+ 12,5%). In developed countries, the dynamics will be moderate, although there are exceptions: for example, according to forecasts, in the UK and the USA, growth rates will be more than 10% per year. The main centers of electronic commerce in Russia are Moscow and St. Petersburg; in the regions, development is constrained by the lack of a high-quality logistics infrastructure.
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