On average, Russian users spend 6 rubles on one purchase in a Russian online store, and 591 times less in a foreign one, 1,7 rubles, according to a study by Yandex.Market and GfK.
РћРЅР »Р ° Р№РЅ-РѕРїСЂРѕСЃ 2 ты СЃ. 414 РІРѕР »СЊР · РѕРІР ° тел ей РІ РіРѕСЂРѕРґР ° С ... СЃ РЅР ° селением СЃРІС‹ С € Рµ 100 С‚С ‹СЃ. C ‡ RμR "RѕRІRμRє RїSЂRѕRІRѕRґRoR" SЃSЏ PI-RІRіSѓSЃS,Rμ ° F ± SЃRμRЅS,SЏR SЂRμ 2014 RіRѕRґR °, RЅRѕ RІS <SЏRІR "RμRЅRЅS <Rμ S,RμRЅRґRμRЅS † RoRo SЃRѕS ... SЂR ° RЅSЏSЋS,SЃSЏ Ryo SЃRμRіRѕRґRЅSЏ.
In Moscow, the difference between the purchase price in a Russian and foreign online store is less - 30% (7 rubles versus 947 rubles, respectively).
R 'RsSЃS‚Р ° Р »СЊРЅС‹ С ... РіРѕСЂРѕРґР ° С ... СЃ РЅР ° селением Р ± РѕР» ее 800 С‚С ‹СЃ. СЗ РµР »РѕРІРµРє РєР» РёРµРЅС‚С ‹СЌР» ектронной СЂРѕР · РЅРёС † С ‹С‚СЂР ° тят 6 С‚С ‹СЃ. 355 СЂСѓР ± Р »РµР№ Рё 3 ты СЃ. 693 СЂСѓР ± Р »СЏ соответственно, РІ РіРѕСЂРѕРґР ° С ... СЃ 500-800 ты СЃ. жителей - 5 ты СЃ. 324 СЂСѓР ± Р »СЏ Рё 2 ты СЃ. 753 СЂСѓР ± Р »СЏ, РІ РіРѕСЂРѕРґР ° С ... СЃ РЅР ° сел ением 100-500 С‚С ‹СЃ. жителей - 6 ты СЃ. 512 СЂСѓР ± Р »РµР№ Рё 3 ты СЃ. 516 СЂСѓР ± Р »РµР№.
The most popular foreign Internet platform among Russians in 2014 was Aliexpress.com. 59% of customers of foreign stores made purchases on it (in 2013 - 37%). EBay's share dropped to 51% from 57%.
Over 90% of orders in online stores are made by Russian users from desktop computers or laptops. The share of smartphones in product search - 7-9%, in ordering - 2%. Corresponding indicators of tablets are only slightly better - 9-12% and 3-5%.
The role of social networks in online commerce is also growing. As of the fall of 2014, among all Russians who made purchases on the Internet, 22% purchased tangible goods on social networks at least once in the previous 12 months (2013% in 17).
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