The Russian Union of Kozhevnikov and Shoemakers expressed their disagreement with the amendments to the tax code proposed by the Ministry of Finance, which relate to the abolition of preferential tax regimes for UTII and PSN for sellers of marked goods.
The corresponding letter was sent by the RSCO to the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov.
In the bill, the Ministry of Finance proposes to deprive sellers of goods that are subject to labeling of the opportunity to use special tax regimes - the Unified Imputed Income Tax (UTII) and patents. Since 2019, the law on compulsory labeling applies to shoes, which means that shoe retail will lose the right to apply a special regime.
At the same time, as stated in the letter of the RSKO, about three quarters of the retail turnover of light industry goods is carried out by small businesses. The abolition of preferential tax regimes for small businesses will lead to a massive reduction in small businesses, job losses in the regions, and reduced production due to reduced sales, since today the basis of the distribution chain of all light industry production is small business.
Another threat, according to the RSKO, could be a decrease in the population’s access to light industry goods in small cities and towns of different regions, since federal retail chains are not represented there and the main channel for delivering goods is small business.
RSKO considers the introduction of these changes in the Tax Code during the period of introduction of labeling for light industry products to be untimely and suggests returning to their discussion no earlier than 2023 of the year (after receiving and evaluating real results from labeling of shoes and other light industry products).
Shoes Report is preparing a detailed material on this topic, with comments from the shoe market participants, stay tuned!
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