The Russian Fashion Retail Forum, an international economic forum of innovation and technology in fashion retail, will be held on February 25 as part of the CPM exhibition - Collection Premiere Moscow.
The session for top managers will be opened by the President of the European Council of Fashion and Textile Exporters (EFTEC) Reinhard Deppfer. In his report, he will talk about how European manufacturers see the situation on the Russian market and in what directions they are looking for ways to survive in 2015. The session will continue with a keynote speech by Anna Lebsak-Kleimans, CEO of Fashion Consulting Group, who will give a traditional overview of the state of the market, as well as touch on the topic of the modern consumer and talk about the results of a study of changes in his behavior, conducted jointly with KupiVIP.
“2014 will certainly remain in the future as a milestone in the development of our country's economy,” says Anna Lebsak-Kleimans. - And most likely we will talk about the clothing market: it was until 2014 - the decentralization of the market, extensive development of the market in the regions, direct access to Russia and outstripping growth rates of foreign companies, the “velvet revolution” of the Internet and the new, formed “ERP - management ". Obviously, the new realities of the 2015 market - the dramatic devaluation of the ruble, a sharp reduction in disposable incomes of the population, the government's policy of "import substitution" and calls for the rise of the local industry - these are changes at the tectonic level. This is a year that will obviously pass under the slogan "Survival of the fittest".
The session of top managers will end with the topic "Offline + online + mobile = Omnichannel: how to keep up with your customer", which will be covered in a discussion format with the participation of the Director of KupiVIP E-commerce services Miroslav Zubachevsky and Director of E-traction (Otto Group) Evgeniy Shchepelin
The continuation of the working schedule of the forum will be a session of practical anti-crisis seminars, during which the leading specialists and trainers of Fashion Consulting Group will talk about “how to adapt the assortment of a clothing store in a crisis, how the brand does not lose its“ face ”in the chain of crisis sales, how to find new resources for development within the company and what applied visual merchandising techniques work in times of a sharp decline in demand. "
Let us remind you that the 24th season of the CPM exhibition will take place from 24 to 27 February 2015 at the Expocentre Fairgrounds.
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