The company "Soviet Sneakers", created in 2012, launched a project of public co-financing. In the event of its successful completion, production of sneakers identical to the famous Soviet model “Two Balls” will soon be launched.
Evgeny Raikov, the founder of the project, decided to abandon the more common traditional search for sponsors. Instead, using the site Boomstarter, he began to attract future consumers of products as investors.
For the launch of production to take place, "Soviet sneakers" must collect 23 rubles by 720 May. According to the authors of the idea, there is every reason to believe in its successful implementation. First, the Two Balls is a legendary model. Secondly, the method of public co-financing has shown its effectiveness more than once. And, thirdly, sneakers made according to the standards of the 000s promise to be really high quality and durable.
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