The demand is so great that even large inventories are insufficient.
Since the beginning of 2013, the sales of the Ural distributor for non-lining felt boots lagged by 60% compared to the same period last year, and for felt boots for wool there is an increase of 24% - 21 thousand pairs were sold, against 17 thousand in the past, and this is only the beginning of the winter season ... Sales of felt boots will continue for about 1,5 - 2 months.
“Felt boots on wool continue to amaze manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. The demand for them is not decreasing. The classic unlined felt boots are again pushed to the side, despite the fact that they are not colder at all, while being lighter in weight and lower in cost. I think that this is a short-term surge of interest, which should fade away in the coming years, then ordinary felt boots without lining will take their previous place, "commented the manager of Mila - wholesale footwear" Alexander Borodin.
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