The Russian Consumer Demand Survey 2019, conducted by Deloitte, showed the love of Russian consumers for shopping. 70% of the respondents admitted that they like to go shopping, and when buying shoes, all the more they prefer traditional retail, - writes
About 30% of those polled by Deloitte admitted that they can go to the store just like that, even if nothing is needed, 44% go to stores when there is a need to purchase any product.
At the same time, 40% of the respondents actively monitor discounts, track sales and plan their purchases in accordance with them, often women with higher education from 18 to 35 years old.
Discounts are used to buy clothes and shoes, electronics and household appliances. Online stores sell baby products, home appliances and electronics, and clothing best. It is worth noting that Russian consumers are not inclined to buy footwear in online stores, preferring in this case traditional retail.
Another interesting trend is the course towards a healthy lifestyle and responsible consumption, the demand for goods marked "eco" is growing, 75% of consumers in Russia pay attention to it. At the same time, 21% of consumers are ready to buy “eco” products even at a higher price than the average price for a similar ordinary product.
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