Of the 450 of the world's largest shoe manufacturers, 125 assesses the situation in their company as dangerous from the point of view of prospects, 76 are ready to sell the business, 99 recorded losses before tax and 287 reported a drop in sales. But 139 companies forecast a profit above 10% based on the results of 2012.
These are the results of a study by the Irish company Plimsoll.
According to IBISWorld, in 2012 footwear trade will grow by 2,2%, $ 122.9 billion, footwear production will remain almost at the same level, having increased by 1%.
63% of the total produced in 2012 will be in China, this is 40,5% of all world exports and 55% of all profits. It is expected that by the end of this year, shoe exports from China will slow down, as demand in the US and Europe, where the lion's share of Chinese shoes are supplied, is stabilizing.
Wage growth in China's shoe industry opens up new opportunities for other countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
According to BISWorld forecasts, the fastest growing demand for shoes in India, China and Russia. At the same time, the biggest demand will continue for mass-market shoes. Based on materials from the site analpa.ru.
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