Since the beginning of the year, the largest online clothing retailer, Wildberries, has received more than a dozen lawsuits from counterparties worth over 80 million rubles. During the crisis, the retailer switched to a new payment scheme that partners did not like.
Since the end of 2014, Wildberries began to switch with suppliers to a new settlement scheme - payment upon the sale of goods by a retailer. Previously, the company worked, as a rule, with a deferred payment - on average it was about 90 days. Suppliers decided to start collecting old debts through the court, including due to a change in the settlement model of Wildberries with suppliers.
According to representatives of several supplier companies, Wildberries explained the introduction of the new settlement scheme by the fact that they want to become more flexible and dynamic, and also because the retailer wants to give Russian designers a chance without increasing the budget for the purchase of goods.
The head of the Wildberries Economics and Finance Department, Vladimir Bakin, argues that payment upon the sale of goods is an additional, and not the only, current model of the retailer’s settlements. He connects the growth of court claims against the company not only with the transition to a new payment scheme, but primarily with the increase in the company's business and the termination of contracts with a number of suppliers.
Two claims in 2015 against Wildberries were filed by the Rost company, which deals with factoring, financing deferred payment deliveries, covering credit risks and managing receivables. The company, through the Moscow Region Arbitration Court, demands to recover debt from Wildberries for services rendered and forfeit.
Russian Post filed a lawsuit against Wildberries at the beginning of the 2015 year, complaining about arrears for EMS services for November 2014 of the year - May 2015 of the year.
Also, through the court to recover debts from Wildberries, the Platform Cleanliness company tried. According to the agreement with Wildberries from 2013, the dry cleaners had to wash and clean the goods, and the retailer would pay her for the services 5 days after signing the act on the work. "Cleanliness Platform" tried to recover a debt of 930 thousand rubles. and a penalty in the amount of 507 thousand rubles, but the court failed to prove the fact of the provision of services in the specified period. The lawsuit was only partially satisfied - with Wildberries they recovered about 220 thousand rubles of interest.
Two suits to the company in March were filed by individual entrepreneur Roman Ptitsyn, who supplied Wildberries with Greyder and Friendly shoes. In one lawsuit, he asked to pay off debts in 12,3 million rubles, in another - 758 thousand rubles. percent "for the use of other people's money." Ptitsyn complained about non-payment under the contract of 2013 of the year and claimed that he had delivered the goods to the defendant, but Wildberries did not pay within the time period stipulated by the contract of 26 of March 2013 of the year (90 days).
In response, Wildberries filed a lawsuit against Ptitsyn: the company demanded that he take out unsold goods worth 11,9 million rubles. and counted it against the debt. The company rejected the counterclaim. The supplier won the case: the Moscow Arbitration Court decided that the company should pay even more than he requested - 13,3 million rubles.
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