The seminar was created for the management staff of companies and networks interested in building an effective communication strategy for their brand or product with the target audience, as well as for a wide range of specialists participating in communication projects of various levels (brand managers, art directors, designers, merchandisers).
The program of the seminar:
1 day. The latest communication strategies. Actual trends and trends in visual communication of a brand or product.
2 day. Visual merchandising of a fashion store: trends and technologies for attracting attention. Showcase and visual merchandising.
Seminar hosts: Ksenia Leri, founder of the Trendsquire trend bureau; Olga Bolkunova, founder of RETAIL DESIGN STUDIO; Marina Polkovnikova, founder of VM Consulting Agency
The seminar will be held in Moscow.
Dates: June 28-29, 2016. (22 ac. Hours)
Контакты:+7 (962) 695-03-07