Fur, and not only: types of lining
21.12.2012 200307

Fur, and not only: types of lining

In the production of winter shoes they use various materials designed to preserve heat and meet the requirements of consumers: natural sheepleather, faux fur, faux fur made from natural wool and others. All types of lining fur have their advantages and disadvantages. Consider the properties of each of them.

Sheepleather - the most common natural fur used in the manufacture of footwear. In Russia, millions of pairs are sold annually with a sheepleather lining, because it has many useful properties that artificial fur does not have. Sheepleather for shoes has a low pile density compared to sheepleather used in the manufacture of outerwear, and its durability depends solely on the quality of production. Most buyers who choose sheepleather-lined shoes value not only beauty and comfort, but also its practicality.

The advantages of lining fur from sheepleather:

  • dry and warm provides the structure of sheepleather hairs, which creates an air layer in the wool, which is an excellent insulator;
  • lack of harmful microorganisms, capable of causing allergies and leather irritation;
  • anti-inflammatory properties and reduction of leg swellingwhat happens thanks to the beneficial substances contained in the sheepleather, and especially lanolin - the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic element that is part of many drugs and helps with pain, swelling and other ailments;
  • versatility: the sheepleather does not get wet, even if it is exposed to moisture for a very long time;
  • positive energycalming a person and relieving stress.

Artificial fur - This is a textile product that imitates natural fur. It consists of a bearing base (soil) and a pile cover. Artificial materials imitating natural ones are gaining more and more popularity every year. They attract with their relatively lower cost, environmental friendliness and no less aesthetics. Modern faux fur to the touch and appearance may practically not differ from natural, and may be painted in bold, unexpected colors, if used to decorate shoes. The advantage of artificial furs over natural ones is the ease of products, ease of care and storage, less susceptibility to spoilage and, of course, lower cost. But there is an important drawback that should be remembered: if natural fur allows the legs to "breathe" and protects against freezing, then artificial fur is more likely to cause increased sweating. Faux fur “knocks down” faster, gradually turning into a thin lining.

Wool fur that contains not less than 80% of natural sheep’s wool is a high-quality and inexpensive replacement for natural fur. The combination of 80-70% wool and 20-30% synthetics allows you to save all the advantages of natural fiber and make the material more wear. Woolen fur “breathes” perfectly and does not create the “debate” effect that occurs with faux fur. At the same time, it has all the warming properties of natural fur, preserving its consumer properties for much longer.

The main advantages of woolen fur:

  • moisture absorption: wool fibers are porous and absorb moisture well;
  • breathability: in woolen fur, the leg will “breathe” without losing heat;
  • antibacterial properties: wool sheared from live and healthy sheep, contains lanolin, which is activated at a temperature of 35-37 degrees, easily penetrates the leather, has beneficial effects on muscles, joints, stimulates blood circulation;
  • least wear: Of all the types of winter shoe linings, wool is the most durable.

Felt Lining

Perhaps the most healthy and useful is felt shoes. Felt products are not only original and very warm, but also have a lot of useful properties. Sheep’s wool is able to absorb excess moisture and at the same time keep warm, therefore shoes created using felt will be comfortable, soft and will prevent colds due to anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic lanolin. Felt shoes can absorb sweat from the soles of the feet, while retaining heat and inhibiting the formation of fungus. In addition, it will help soothe arthritis and rheumatism pains. The animal wax contained in the sheep’s wool, together with the unique structure of the felt itself, has a unique massaging effect on the foot, improving its blood circulation. Felt shoes are suitable for those who choose not only comfort, but also health. An interesting feature of felt is that in the process of socks it is exposed to almost the same effects as in the production process. Friction on the soft surface of the foot, as it were, continues the process of lapping and only improves its properties.

Not so long ago, a new combination appeared: felt and fur. The return of the fashion for felt boots and the growing demand for these products influenced the creation of boots made of felt lined with faux woolen or natural fur, which creates even more comfort.

Combined fur - this is a new technology that many winter shoe manufacturers use today. In this case, the fur on the top is artificial, and on the foot is natural. The “European” model was also especially liked by customers, where the bootleg is on a fabric lining, and on the foot is natural fur. This variation makes it possible to wear a winter boot that fits the leg along the shaft, without making it very voluminous.

Thinsulate - one of the best synthetic heaters: lightweight, waterproof and durable. In terms of heat-shielding properties, the lining on tinsulate can be compared with natural fur. Temperature mode - up to -30. Tinsulate shoes are produced by the company Merrell.

The membrane is a thin PTFE film that allows moisture to pass only in one direction - out. This is possible due to the huge number of very small holes per unit area, through which only water molecules pass in the form of steam, and not a drop. The disadvantage of the membrane is that it is designed for temperatures before -10. But when combined with a sheep’s membrane, she withstands temperature up to -30Shoes with a membrane Gore-Tex is produced by many companies, for example, Superfit, ECCO, RICOSTА, Elefanten Viking, and with a membrane Sympatex - Scandia. There is also a domestic membrane a-tech company uses "Antelope".

How to distinguish natural from artificial fur? Faux fur differs in characteristic gloss, while natural fur is dull. If If you spread the fur with your fingers, it will become clear that the faux fur is attached to the fabric, and not to the mezdra.

In the production of winter footwear, various materials are used that are designed to keep warm and meet the requirements of consumers: natural sheepleather, artificial fur, artificial fur ...
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