The lecture will be held as part of the open door day of Russia's first and only e-comemrce program for Fashion business.
You will learn:
how e-commerce in fashion was born and developed
why e-commerce and omnichannel are a must have business today, but no one can do it
how much money does the company lose as a result of incorrect decisions related to the development of the direction of the online channel
why e-commerce manager is the most promising and highest paid specialty in fashion today
Lecturers are the curators of the Fashion E-commerce course Evgeny Shchepelin, CEO of eSolutions (a member of the Otto Group), and Alexey Salychev, Managing Partner of Commerzen, ex-Director of InCity e-commerce, Love Republic.
Also for all listeners of the lecture on this day there will be a presentation of the course "Fashion E-commerce", which starts on April 12, 2016.
You will be able to ask your questions to the course curators and leave applications for training.