Simple Live Sales Tricks iStock
25.06.2014 25509

Simple Live Sales Tricks

We publish an excerpt from the book of Alexander Levitas “More money from your business”, which describes simple but effective methods of increasing the number of completed transactions. levitas Alexander.jpg

РђР »РµРєСЃР ° РЅРґСЂ Р› евитР° СЃ - Business consultant, expert No. 1 in the field of guerrilla marketing in Russia, holder of the title “Best Business Trainer of Russia”. The author of the book “More money from your business. Partisan Marketing in Action and host of the popular business blog.

“More money from your business. Partisan marketing in action ", - M., publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2nd ed., - 2013.

The book, which has earned the “Runet Book Prize 2012”, has gathered more than 230 effective and simple ways to get more profit from an existing business. Its author Alexander Levitas simply and clearly explains how to attract more customers, how to conclude more deals with them, how to sell more products to everyone, how to take more money for each product, how to make more repeat sales, and, finally, how to save more.

Assumption in their favor

The first method for more efficient conclusion of transactions, which I want to tell you about, is called "assumption in my favor." Its essence is that from the moment when a potential buyer shows interest in the product, the seller begins to behave and communicate with the buyer as if he had already made a purchase decision. The seller, as it were, makes the assumption that the buyer wants to buy the product, and not just look. And behaves in accordance with this assumption. That is, the seller does not advise to buy, but approves the choice made. He doesn’t ask: “Will you take it?”, But asks questions like “How much do you weigh?”, “Do you have a gift box or a simple one?”, “Will you pay in cash or with a card?”, “To which address will you deliver?” - those are the questions that I would ask the buyer who has already made the decision. He doesn’t speak in the “if” categories, but in the “when” categories, as a matter already decided - not “if you place an order”, but “after you place an order”. On his own initiative, fills out the order form and does not ask the visitor if he wants to complete the transaction, but only tells him where to put the signature. In a word, it behaves as if a person had already said:

"I take it!".

Does it always work? Of course not: there is no reception with absolute efficiency. But when using the “assumption in their favor”, the pressure looks soft enough so that a fair portion of customers do not notice it. If someone is outraged, argues that he is not going to buy, the seller can always turn back and apologize: say, forgive me, for God's sake, I was mistaken, I was sure that you wanted to buy this wonderful vacuum cleaner, especially since today it is sold at a discount ... and move on to another trick.

False Choice Trap

In the Israeli cinema is a comedy. An actor playing an annoying seller asks the buyer: “When is it more convenient for you to pay now or immediately?” The audience laughs heartily, and during the intermission he goes into the cinema lobby, orders coffee in the buffet, thinks for a second about the seller’s question “Do you have a bun or with a bagel? ”, the bagel chooses ... and doesn’t even notice that he bought at the same reception that he laughed a minute earlier.

The essence of the reception is that the seller starts the buyer in the trap of false choice, "choice without choice": invites him to choose from two options, each of which is quite satisfied with the seller. A man leans over the boxes with sweet cherries, a cunning merchant asks: “Do you need one or two?” - and the buyer begins to think not about the choice of “take or not take”, but about the choice of “take one or take two”.

The reception has been used by sellers since time immemorial, but it became especially popular after the American sales master Elmer Wheeler helped the dragstreet network in the early 1920s.

Walgreen boost sales by educating salespeople about this technique.

One of the most popular products in these dragstors was a malt milk cocktail. You could order a regular cocktail, a cocktail with an egg or a cocktail with two eggs. Moreover, their cost was such that the profit from each egg sold turned out to be almost the same as from the cocktail itself, so the network owners wanted to increase the number of orders for a cocktail with egg. Wheeler taught sellers a simple speech: whenever a visitor asked for a milkshake, the seller had to pick up two eggs, show them to the client and ask: “Do you have one egg or two?” After that, almost all the buyers began to take cocktails with an egg. Business income grew literally in one day without any investment. And the reception became popular among sellers who picked it up.

The most traditional use of “false choices” is to close a transaction when the seller shifts the visitor’s attention from the thought of whether to buy at all, to the thought of which product or how many units to buy. Typical examples: “Do you wrap red or black?”, “Do you prefer to pay with credit or cash?”, “Prefer to pick it yourself up or order delivery?”, “Do you weigh one box or two?”. The more complicated the product you are selling, the more accurate and delicate it is to use the “false choice”. If the waiter in the cafe can

ask on the forehead: “Will you drink tea or coffee?”, then the seller in the jewelry store can’t take such an approach - but he can carefully push the doubting client to buy things that he liked, aleatherg: “Do you need gift wrapping or will it suit

ordinary? ”

Depending on how much you rely on the competence of your sellers, you can either develop for them several ready-made words for different types of goods, or educate sellers on the very principle of attracting a buyer to the “choice without choice”.

Speech can be used in a variety of negotiation situations to persuade the interlocutor to the desired action. Typical examples: “Is it more convenient for you to meet with me on Monday or Tuesday?”, “Do you prefer to drop by us or receive our manager at your place?”

Try using this technique in your business - in just a couple of hours you can find out how well it works with your customers. And in a day or two it will be possible to evaluate the economic effect of using this technique.

Let the buyer sell himself

Another effective sales technique is not to convince the customer, but to push him to ensure that he he convinced himself of the need to purchase. We already spoke in the first part of this book about a similar trick in advertising. Here are just a few examples.

“Why do you think I offer you this particular product, and not some other?” - and often a person begins to pick up arguments himself in favor of why this product suits him.

“Think for a minute and imagine how this product will change your life for the better!” - and the potential buyer begins to figure out how this product can be useful to him.

“May I ask you for a favor? These products fly around like hot cakes with us, and the boss wants me to find out why prosperous people like you like them so much. Tell me, what should I answer him? ”- and now the buyer himself selects ten reasons why he likes this product, convincing himself. Of course, the seller should be prepared for the buyer to answer the question with a counter-question: “Indeed, why did you offer me this particular product?” In this case, the seller should have a clear and convincing answer.

"That's not all!"

In European culture, consistency, fidelity to one's own word, and ability to stand one's own self are greatly appreciated. Therefore, for many people, words like “I was wrong” or “I changed my mind” are tantamount to acknowledging my stupidity and weakness. This is a danger to the seller or negotiator. If at the very beginning the interlocutor said “No!”, Then he is often inclined to hold on to his decision, even if he already perfectly understands that he was mistaken.

Active sales people use a special technique "That's not all"to help the buyer get out of the corner where he drove himself. The essence of the reception is that one or two important arguments that are killer in strength in favor of the purchase are not immediately communicated to the buyer, but adhere to in case you need to convince the client. At the beginning of the negotiations, the “first course” is issued, the main arguments in favor of the transaction. If the buyer refuses, the seller tries to soften his position with the help of various techniques. And if he sees that the buyer has succumbed, but at the same time continues to hold on to the hasty decision, then there are arguments from

tagged reserve "and go. “By the way,” the seller slams his forehead, “you still don’t know what ...”

And then the buyer can afford to change his mind. After all, now this will not be a rejection of one’s own words, a person will not feel that he was forced to change his mind. New facts simply opened up that completely change the matter, and in the light of this new information, the old decision can be reconsidered. And often, already signing the contract, the client grumbles: “Why didn’t you immediately say that ...” But in fact, if you “immediately said that ...”, the deal would most likely not have taken place.

In the case of package offers that include several goods or services, the reception can be used a little differently. When the seller makes a presentation, he does not immediately report the whole package, but offers to purchase only the main product. For example, he says: “I suggest you buy this copy machine for only 28 rubles.” If the buyer agrees - excellent, the job is done. If the answer is a refusal and the client cannot be convinced, the seller eventually hits himself on the forehead and says: “Wait a minute, that’s not all! Together with a copier for the same price you get a spare toner cartridge and five packs of paper! ”.

As practice shows, this simple technique significantly increases the number of closed transactions. So, dear reader, if you used to have the habit of shooting at the buyer all the arguments at once, now try to leave one or two good arguments in reserve to use them in an emergency.


How often do you, dear reader, have driven away the annoying sellers who are harassing you with the question, “Can I help you with something?”. Agree, more often this question only annoys the visitor. On the other hand, if the seller will passively wait for when visitors themselves turn to him, his sales will not work out. Fortunately, there is a middle ground. A way that allows a visitor to push to purchase and not seem intrusive. When a visitor enters the store, the seller greets him and says that he is ready to help, saying something like: “Welcome to ...! If something is needed, I will be there, ”however, he does not impose his help on the buyer if he did not ask the question first. Instead, the seller moves along the trading floor with the buyer, but does not follow along on his heels, breathing in the back, but chooses a place so that he is always about three steps away from the buyer. This is far enough so as not to annoy a person with their presence, and yet close enough to notice the interest of the buyer in a product and come to the rescue.

If a visitor lingers near a shelf and begins to examine the goods, the seller comes a little closer - not close, but to such a distance that you can talk and not shout - and begins to talk about this product, as the guide in the museum talks about the picture. Please note - it’s not trying to sell goods, but only says about him.

It’s worth starting a story with just one or two phrases, no more. If the visitor became interested - asked some question or otherwise showed his interest - the seller will be able to continue working with him. If the visitor is not interested, the continuation can be perceived by him as an obsession, which is unlikely to contribute to the sale. It is only important that the seller’s story does not repeat what is written on the price tag of the goods. For example, if the operating range is already indicated on the price tag of a telephone with a radio handset, the seller should not repeat this information. What is it worth talking about? About the distinctive features of this model, about the benefits that the owner of the product will receive, about the non-obvious features of the product: “A special energy-saving screen allows this laptop to work without recharging for up to nine hours”, “If you use the PDA as an e-book, you can carry a library of 1000 in your pocket volumes "," This wine received a silver medal at the international competition in Spain ", etc.

It is desirable that the seller’s replica contain at least one praise for the product. But you don’t have to praise him forehead, you don’t need to use unspecific evaluative words like “wonderful” or “best”. It would be much more reasonable to refer to some more specific qualities of the product, to some achievements or to the results obtained thanks to the product, so that the buyer independently comes to the conclusion that the product is good.

Agree, the phrase “Provides reliable communication through the concrete wall” convinces much better than the words “Very good radio tube”, and the mention that the textile manufacturer is the supplier of the royal court of Denmark will be a much better compliment to its products than any number of epithets like “ great "or" awesome. "

If you are not sure of the ability of your sellers to come up with such cues on the go, you can compose your own speech - if not for the entire assortment, then at least for the goods that you most important to sell - and force sellers to memorize these words.

We are publishing an excerpt from Alexander Levitas' book More money from your business, which describes simple but effective techniques for increasing the number of completed ...
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