At one of the Altai customs posts, 8025 pairs of Chinese children's shoes for girls with the trademark of the Ussuriian manufacturer of children's shoes “M. Michi ”, heading for a Moscow company. Trademark Owner M. Michi ”in response to a request from customs officials said counterfeit goods were detained, which should be buried in a landfill in the near future. A case has been opened against the violating company under Article 14.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for the unlawful use of a trademark.
Until 2012, the Federal Property Management Agency sold confiscated goods an average of 130 million rubles a year, but after the ban on the sale of confiscated goods in Russia in hundreds of warehouses across the country today, it accumulated approximately 150 thousand cubic meters. m. In 2015, the moratorium on sales was lifted, and in the fall the Federal Property Management Agency will begin to conduct public auction of confiscated goods in each region.
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