Roskachestvo experts examined 38 samples of nursery shoes (for children from one to three years old) from Russian and foreign manufacturers (China, Turkey, Poland, Brazil, Serbia, Slovenia and Spain). And they found that 20 products pose a potential danger to children’s health, writes the Novorossiysk information portal “Our Gazeta”.
Products were assessed against 59 criteria for safety, quality and correct labeling. In 20 out of 38 shoe samples, violations were recorded in the toxicity index, free formaldehyde content, the presence of water-soluble chromium-6, phenol discrepancy and total phenolics. Experts noted that formaldehyde is typically found in glue used in shoe production.
The permissible concentration of formaldehyde for children under three years of age is no more than 20 mcg per gram of product extract. The inspection revealed that the highest formaldehyde content was present in shoes of the PlayToday (84,9 µg/g) and Age of Innocence (83 µg/g) brands. A dangerous substance – hexavalent chromium – was also found in TM Kapika shoes. This substance is not used in Russian production due to its carcinogenic properties. The highest degree of utilization of this element is compared to the processing of radioactive substances.
Hexavalent chromium is a "dirty" chrome tanning agent for leather, while trivalent chromium salts are considered safe. Another group of substances that are strictly regulated are phenols. In samples of two brands, the amount of these substances turned out to be three to five times higher (TM “Kapitoshka” and “Davlekanovskaya Shoe Factory”). As a result, only six products out of 38 passed the test in all respects and can be recommended for purchase.
Commenting on the results of the study, Roskachestvo expert Tatyana Butskaya recommends that parents do not put shoes on the child’s bare feet in order to prevent leather contact with harmful substances. She also advises giving preference to certified products and being vigilant when purchasing goods online, choosing shoes with a link to the certificate posted on the Rosakkreditatsiya website.
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