Rospotrebnadzor published amendments to the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and the Code of Administrative Offenses. According to the explanatory note, there are “dishonest” stores and aggregators in the e-commerce market that do not comply with consumer protection law. They, in particular, do not provide consumers with information about the seller, the manufacturer of the products, about the product or services itself. The activity of product aggregators is also not regulated in any way. Rospotrebnadzor proposes to consolidate the term "supplier" in the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" as an independent subject of responsibility and to provide for the possibility of temporary blocking of violating sites at the domain name level in the Code of Administrative Offenses.
Recall that in 2014, the Russian online trading market grew by 25,9%, to 597 billion rubles, estimates PwC. 40 million of 73 million users in Russia made online purchases.
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