IKEA Shopping Centers Russia, developing Mega shopping centers in Russia, will suspend the construction of new shopping centers and focus on updating existing ones. A draft five-year program for the development of existing malls is being prepared, which will be launched in 2014, ”said Armin Mikaeli, CEO of the company.
Now in Russia there are 14 Mega shopping centers in 11 major cities. According to the 2012 financial results, their turnover grew by 19% - up to 284 billion rubles, attendance amounted to 254 million people.
“Next year, a five-year development plan for each Mega shopping center will be ready. It will be clear how they will develop both technically and commercially. That is, we will determine which stores we will develop, which brands we are interested in, where we will to increase the area, "said Michaeli.
According to Mikaeli, the total investment in the modernization and expansion of the shopping center will exceed the amount of 5-7 billion rubles voiced by the previous management.
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