Online Retail Russia 2015 - X International Forum of Top Officials of Big Retail, Internet Commerce and Multichannel Networks
Online Retail Russia - The largest international forum on e-commerce, bringing together the top officials of large retail, online commerce and multi-channel networks, will be held April 16-17 in Moscow at the Korston Hotel.
More than 500 participants on the BBCG platform will discuss the main topic: “Solutions at a price in market share. What to save on and what to invest in right now so that there will be "later" ?! "
We all live in an era of change. However, there is very good news for Russian e-retail, and especially for buyers. In a couple of years, effective companies will flourish on the market, finely honing their processes, technologies and customer relationships. It is the current situation that is forging these future winning retailers! Those who cut off "all unnecessary" and crystallize the business model to perfection. Those who wonder not "how to reduce costs? ", and" how to manage money correctly ?, on what to save and what to invest in right now in order to have "later"? '.
Among the main topics of the forum:
And also: how can Russian business compete with Chinese e-commerce, and what will happen to the market for e-commerce services in 2015?
Traditionally, within the framework of the spring forum, the industry will mark the best results of the companies in the framework of the Annual Award Online Retail Russia Awards 2015! Acceptance of applications in the nominations: the best online store of the year; the best online store in the segment; Breakthrough of the Year; best life hack of the year for e-commerce; person of the Year - carried out until February 15, 2015.
Forum Audience: directors of online business of retail brands, founders and heads of online stores, directors for e-commerce of manufacturing companies, retail banking, tourism, logistics and IT services.
Contact details:
Ksenia Kamenskaya, Head of PR and External Relations, BBCG
+7(495) 785-22-06,