The best way to surprise a customer is to exceed his expectations.
December 23 (Tuesday) in Moscow will host a new seminar “105 Igor Mann’s Favorite Instruments”.
At the seminar you will learn more than 100 new marketing tools! Use them immediately after the holidays - and the result will not be long in coming.
One of the things that Igor Mann will teach you at the seminar is to exceed the client's expectations. The lesson starts right now: instead of the 105 promised instruments, you will receive 118!
What the tools will be about:
- how to work correctly with the marketing mix: change the product and price, find new channels of sales and communications;
- how to work with clients: attracting, retaining and returning.
With a speed of 15 instruments per hour, Igor Mann will tell his favorite tricks and steps that brought income to his customers.
Don't waste time - register for the seminar "Igor Mann's 105 Favorite Instruments"!