Topic: Retail Pricing Methods
The program includes: Pricing strategy, pricing methods in retail, psychology of pricing, pricing during the sales period.
Speaker: Maxim Gorshkov - commercial analyst at the Academy of Retail Technologies. He has 14 years of experience in the fashion industry, including as director-curator of the Sportgrad retail chain and sports stores in the high-price segment Sportcourt, as well as director of the Nike retail chain. He specializes in commercial and financial analytics for retailers.
"Academy of Retail Technologies" Is a consulting company focused on the fashion industry and small and medium business entrepreneurs. Provides consulting and business training services.
Subject: Merchandising in the store, as 2x2 = 5
What are commercial display cases: how to profitably present a product. Competent display of goods on the trading floor. Work with staff and other ways to increase the main indicators of the store.
Speaker: Marina Polkovnikova - Founder of VM-Consulting agency, merchandising and store design consultant with 12 years of experience, jury member of the annual ProFashion Awards. Lecturer at the Art & image Institute, speaker of business programs at Mosshoes, EuroShoes, conferences to increase retail sales.
VM Consulting - a visual merchandising agency for fashion stores. Provides a wide range of services from setting up a merchandising system, auditing stores to designing stores and training staff. The agency's clients are such brands as Tom Farr, HC, Giorgio Grati, ToBeQueen, RendezVour, Mascotte, Meucci, the Golden Taurus jewelry store chain, etc.
Topic: Fashion trends in clothing, collections of the spring-summer 2015 season.
Materials, current colors and patterns. Female and male assortment. Demand forecast.
Subject: Three Ways to Increase Purchase Profitability.
How to correctly plan the purchase in order to fulfill the sales plan? Procurement budget planning and sales optimization in clothing stores. How to reach the planned share of balances during the season?
Speaker: Galina Kravchenko, Development Director Fashion Consulting Group, representative of the online trend bureau in Russia and the CIS countries. He specializes in forecasting trends and developing commercial collections of clothes and shoes, assortment management in retail chains and wholesale companies.
Fashion Consulting Group Is a leading consulting agency in the Russian fashion industry with a 14-year history. Main activities: consulting for enterprises in the fashion industry, marketing research, training, organization of events, visual merchandising, imageology, advertising.
Since 2000, FCG, commissioned by the State University - the Higher School of Economics, has been developing and supervising two state programs: "Brand Management in the Fashion Industry", "Theory and Practice of Visual Merchandising". These are the only business education programs in the Russian fashion industry that are recognized by the Russian education system and upon completion of which specialists receive a state diploma.